7 Habits that Shape One’s Reality Towards Success
Seize the day and reap the rewards
This article was first posted on Mentor Motivations
Everyone has their own Mount Everest to climb, each with its dangers, tactics, and personally tailored list of challenges from one moment to the next. It is consistently progressing, even though challenging, compounded toward limitless possibilities. Hey, listen: you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by investing in yourself.
I had no real idea what I wanted to do in 2008, but I was always seeking a profession that would allow me to assist others in some manner. At my core, I felt that adding value to the lives of others is what I wanted to do. By far, it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences(besides having kids, that is a whole other article). So. I’ve always sought ways to make it happen. This drive has led me down roads that I never thought would be possible for someone like me. Still, I was sure that if I matched my talents and interests correctly, there must be some application. As if the stars were ironically aligned. I came across a CD box set of Anthony Robbins: Personal Power(when CDs were a thing), and boy did those tracks become part of my life.
I had no idea that this 17 CD box set would help me take charge of my life, my psychology and develop the skills I’d need to build a blueprint that would influence my future. Talk about lasting compounding results and a positive impact.
Here’s a list of seven essential strategies that have shaped my life over the past decade. I hope they’re as helpful to you as they have been to me.
1. Beliefs
Alright, that may come off a little over the top for number 1. Still, it’s only because the importance of this principle is often overlooked. As I alluded to earlier, life can get in the way and sometimes does
Decide what you want from life, and then go out and choose it. Make a self-assured commitment to become aware of your decisions every day and understand how they affect your life. Yourself
The first step to achieving great things is believing in yourself. If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, it will be difficult to achieve anything great. You need to be your biggest advocate and believe that you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to. Remember that YOU and you alone are your hardest competition. From sun up to sun down you and you alone shape your own reality.
Only when we start believing in ourselves can we truly start making a difference in this world. There is no room for second-guessing or self-doubt if you want to achieve something extraordinary because both will cripple your efforts before they even begin. The only way to combat these negative thoughts is by filling our minds with positive affirmations about who we are and what we are capable of. So, write down your goals, your dreams, and your aspirations and refer to them daily. These are the things that will keep you motivated when times get tough.
“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”
- Jonathan Swift
2. Be Resolute
If you want to be successful, don’t be afraid of failure for its part of the process. Fall 7, pick yourself up 8, and on and on. Understand that failure is an essential part of the learning process. Be bold and daring.
The key is to persevere through failure, then seize the opportunities that will come as a result of you overcoming in order to achieve great things, you need to be resolute in your convictions. A good example of this is Rocky, boy did Sylvester Stallone’s character push forward despite all the odds packed against him. His determination was weatherproof and withstood whatever came his way. This means that you are unwavering and unyielding in your beliefs. You know what it is that you want and nothing will stop you from achieving it.
When people are resolute, they tend to be successful because they have a clear sense of purpose and direction. They don’t get sidetracked easily and are able to stay focused on their goals. Staying the course can be difficult at times, but it is essential if you want to achieve great things. So, if you find yourself wavering or doubting yourself, remember why it is that you started this journey in the first place and recommit yourself!
3. Paint a Precise Picture
There’s an old saying that goes, “fail to plan; then you’re planning to fail.” I know it sounds cliché, but it holds a lot of weight.
If you don’t have a plan, how will you know if you’re going in the right direction?
It would help if you defined what you want to do and then visualized it. Heck, pin it up all the wall, write it down, and say it to yourself daily.
In order to achieve great things, you need to have a clear vision of what it is that you want. This means being able to see the end goal and then breaking it down into smaller bit-size steps that will get you from where you are to where you envision. It’s like putting together a puzzle; if you can see the finished product in your head, the process becomes much easier.
When people lack clarity or focus, they often find themselves feeling lost and not knowing which way to turn. They tend to be easily swayed by others and their opinions without having their own set of convictions. To avoid this, start by painting a precise picture of what it is that you want in all areas of your life-career, relationships, health, etc. Be detailed in your description and make sure it is something that inspires and excites you.
4. Go All In
Always be on the lookout for opportunities to move closer toward your goals. Be willing to go all in, and not just a little bit. This mindset will make you more likely to seize the opportunities when they arrive. If you’re not ready, they’ll pass you by in a heartbeat.
When people give it their all, they are bound to succeed. This is something that I truly believe in and it is the reason why I am so passionate about what I do. When you go all in, there is no turning back and you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. Giving 100% of yourself also means that you will be able to inspire others to do the same. So, if you want to achieve great things, go all in!
“Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.”
- Seneca the Younger
5. Be Open to Personal Growth
Never allow yourself to believe that you’ve reached the pinnacle of your chosen profession. It would help if you were open to learning all that you can from those around you and then applying the knowledge you’ve gained to your benefit. The more you know, the more value you’ll provide to those you work with.
We all have areas in our lives where we want to grow and change, but it can be tough to know where to start. A mentor can help you identify these areas and provide guidance on how to make the changes you desire. They will also encourage you when things get tough, helping you stay on track with your goals. Having someone there for support and accountability is a key part of personal growth, so don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Never allow yourself to believe that you’ve reached the pinnacle of your chosen profession. It would help if you were open to learning all that you can from those around you and then applying the knowledge you’ve gained to your benefit. The more you know, the more value you’ll provide to those you work with.
We all have areas in our lives where we want to grow and change, but it can be tough to know where to start.
6. What you Think You Shall Become
Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is your own.
– Bruce Lee
If you expect to succeed, then you must think with positive intent. This will shape your reality to become a success. If you’re willing to put in the work, your version of success will follow. It’s that simple. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy to change your mindset, but once you do, the rewards are real and tangible.
Success is a result of our thoughts, so be careful what you think about it. If you want to achieve success in any area of your life, then you must become a student of personal development. Learning how to control your thoughts and emotions is one of the most important skills that you can learn. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!
The only way to change your reality is by changing your thoughts. Take this metaphor further and work with me on this one. Similar to a skier going down a hill. If you were to focus on not hitting a tree, you may be looking at more trees and possibly colliding into one. But when you focus on what’s right, you will start to attract more positive things into your life. So make a decision today to start thinking with positive intent and watch as your success starts to unfold.
7. Time Waits for No One
Creating a life that you love takes time, dedication, and effort. It won’t happen overnight, but with these principles in mind, you will be well on your way!
It will fly by, and It’s so easy to put things off until later, but will later ever come? This is one of those philosophies that can take you from being successful in procrastination. Get the job done now instead of creating more. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Take time for yourself, for your health is your most valuable asset.
In the end, it’s about setting reasonable monthly objectives so that you may build on your daily routines. The more you apply what you’ve learned here, the better off your life will be. Never give up, so keep moving, keep learning, and greatness will soon be on your horizon. And remember that the grass is always greener where you water it, so do what you love, and the results you are searching for will follow.
Let me know what you think and any other great tips to share in the comments below.
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This has been “7 Habits that Shape One’s Reality Towards Success” I hope you have enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading, and remember, the best is yet to come.
If you are looking for more stories about relationships, parenting, or becoming empowered in life. Take a look at these articles, enjoy!
About the Author
I’m a husband and father of two, who goes about life with a glass-half-full mindset. I love writing about the various aspects of work-life balance and how they play a role in empowering others.
Find me on Mentor motivations and on Instagram.