7 Questions That Will Bring Your Career To A Whole New Level
Believe And You’re Halfway There

This article was first posted on Mentor Motivations
Jobs, careers, employment whatever you want to classify it under. We all need one, have one, or are carving out our own version of one within some sort of a project.
I’m sure that most of us can agree on the fact that finding a job and career path in life is pretty difficult, especially when you’re just starting out. So many people go through their lives not knowing what they are meant to do flipping and flopping from one job to the next. It’s true that we live in an age where freelance work, startups, and online job boards have made it easier than ever to find a career, however finding one that makes you jump out of bed with passion is a whole other story and this can take time, dedication and most importantly patience.
In order to find your dream job or your destined career path, it all starts with taking a look at yourself and beginning to ask some serious questions.
What fires you up? I mean really gets you excited? Really no wrong answers here we are talking about “YOU”.
What do you love doing in your spare time? Besides watching Nexflix or playing The Last of Us. What makes you lose track of time.
These questions might seem silly, they might sound like something that a middle school guidance counselor would ask(probably would)but trust your worth the investment This is your time to rise and grind!
Imagine Your Dream
I know, I can hear you groaning from here “Really? You want me to imagine my dream job?” Yes! Go ahead. Close your eyes and imagine that perfect career for yourself right down to the last detail. What are you wearing? Who is your boss? Are you your own boss? Does the career feel meaningful? Write it all down, every single little thing that comes to mind.
Having this perfect picture of yourself in the future can help guide you towards making decisions about what you want next and how much further along on the career path do you really need to go before. It also can help you feel more motivated and push yourself even further to the top.
Defining your ‘Sweet Spot’
In order to figure out what job or career is right for you, it’s important to identify a ‘sweet spot’. A sweet spot in the career world can be described as a place where your interests, strengths, and abilities all come together. This is your ideal work environment! Now imagine being in this “perfect” working space day in and day out.
Finding the sweet spot in your career is all about identifying what you value most and then finding a job that reflects those values. If it’s important to you for instance, that you work independently on projects, then a job that offers you more autonomy would be your ideal work environment.
What is your Goldilocks rule?
Too often, people try to force themselves into a job that is either too easy or too hard; this isn’t the right fit for you. You want to find something in between — something that’s just right! This is your ‘Goldilocks’ position and it will help you get closer to finding your dream job.
Finding a career that is just right for you might sound impossible, but with enough searching and determination, it’s entirely possible to find something perfect! In order to do so though, it takes self-reflection as well as discipline in finding the ideal position through networking and research. Take these lessons today into the heart and I promise you, you can find that dream job.
What is your overall mission and vision?
Your overall mission and vision should go beyond the next month or year. This is your life’s work! What do you want to accomplish? How will you make a difference in this world?
Write down what matters most for you, whether it be saving animals from extinction, creating an app that changes lives by offering next-day delivery hair implants, or helping families who have been displaced due to natural disasters find emergency shelter. It’s all possible.
“Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”
Steve Jobs
What does your ideal day look like?
Now that you’ve taken some time to think about what’s most important to you, it’s time for the fun stuff! What would your ideal day look like? Who are you spending this quality time with? How much money do you make doing something that fulfills your soul and helps others at the same time? If given complete creative freedom to plan your perfect day, what would it look like?
What are some of the tasks that you get to do on a daily basis in order to make this happen? How does everything come together into one harmonious symphony of life of chewy-centered goodness?
What are the most important qualities that your dream job must have?
What is it that you wish to accomplish?
What is that one thing that you’d love to change about the world or possibly improve on?
Keep in mind that this project or career you will embark on has to come from the heart, follow your passion. This has to be inlined with something you genuinely want to do, not because it’s the popular thing or what everyone else is doing. It needs to be a passion of yours and an interest in which you can see yourself investing hours upon hours for years at a time.
“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”
Elon Musk
Just get started and be consistent
Do something every day to get closer and closer to creating this dream job, chisel away at your reality to make this clear picture come to life.
If you can’t find a job that fits your own unique sense of creativity, create one! Countless other entrepreneurs followed their calling before you and have found success.
Sum it all up
I know what you’re thinking “there is no way I’m going to be able to do any of this on my own” and don’t worry it’s all part of a bigger picture! You might have gotten off track with your current career or maybe you just need someone who understands exactly where your struggles are, that’s why it is important to have someone by your side who can help you every step of the way.
Just get started and be consistent, you can do this! Start by simply taking small steps each day to make your dreams come true. Whatever you want in life, just be brave enough to ask yourself what that is and then take a step towards creating that reality — you deserve nothing but greatness. Share this post if you know someone who needs a little motivation to get their act together too! Thank you so much for reading this post! If you enjoyed it, please like and share. Follow me here on Medium for more inspirational content that will help improve your life
Let me know what you think and any other great tips to share in the comments below.
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This has been “7 Questions That Will Bring Your Career To A Whole New Level”.
Thanks for reading, and remember, the best is yet to come.
About the Author
I’m a husband and father of two, who goes about life with a glass-half-full mindset. I love writing about the various aspects of work-life balance and how they play a role in empowering others.
Find me on Mentor motivations and on Instagram.