Hey there, Felicia,
First off, let's give a standing ovation for your epiphany at 37. Better late than never, right? I mean, some people go their whole lives without realizing they've been wearing their underwear inside out. You, on the other hand, have cracked the Da Vinci Code of personal branding and writing. Bravo!
Your point about consistency being the key to trust is spot-on. It's like when I consistently forget my anniversary, my partner can trust that I'll be sleeping on the couch. Jokes aside, you're absolutely right. Whether you're selling toothpaste or penning the next "Great American Novel," it's all about storytelling. And let's face it, nobody wants to read a story where the protagonist is a flip-flopping, wishy-washy mess—unless that's a deliberate character arc, in which case, carry on, you genius.
Your article is a masterclass in understanding that the line between marketing and storytelling is as thin as my patience for people who talk in movie theaters. Keep enlightening us, O Wise One.
Have a wonderful day ahead Felica