Relationships: A swift kick in the ass guide toward happiness
Countless possibilities await.

This article was first posted on Mentor Motivations
It’s been said that love is a battlefield, but you and I both know you are not a GI Joe so let’s find a better analogy shall we. Love is like a yoga pose; it’s at times uncomfortable and tense, but it’s one of those things that gets better over time. And let’s be honest, you wouldn’t just get into a relationship with someone and not look for signs that the other person is worth the effort. Relationships can be a wonderful addition to one’s life, adding an extension towards one’s own happiness. And if you can find someone that happens to be a great match for your life, then the chances of both parties being happy will go up exponentially in more ways than one. Like how I compared relationships to compound interest for finances, take that double entendre!
So you managed to find someone that will date you and build a beautiful Disneyesque life with one another. Kudos to you, you’re on your way for the best is yet to come. Fun fact, did you know that sharing housework or chores = More sex. Who would’ve thought that cleaning a house like Marry Poppins can lead to the possibility of getting lucky? Don’t believe me, pick up a bottle of Windex at the supermarket and check this article.
If you’re reading this, chances are you are already in one and want to make sure everything is tiptop between the two of you, or maybe things are starting out fresh with someone new & exciting! Either way, the following are the six pieces of advice I believe are the most important for building a long-lasting relationship.
It might sound cliche but this is actually something that will have a large impact on the longevity of any relationship. I know it seems like common sense, but many people are stubborn and refuse to budge when they’re in an argument with their partner or just disagree on something.
Be willing to give up on certain things for the sake of your relationship, and if you’re lucky enough consider compromising with them as well! Whoever said that having a great partner is easy has clearly never been in one themselves.
Be open about your feelings.
Open communication with your partner will help you maintain the spark that brought you together, and it will also keep both of you aware of any problems or issues so they can be quickly resolved.
No one wins in an argument(only a therapist).
Arguments can be healthy as long as they don’t get out of hand. It’s important to have a constructive argument where you both express your point and also listen to what the other person has to say without completely shutting them down.
Sure arguments can get out of hand and all the nice dinner plates can be tossed around like freebies and tomatoes used as(makeshift baseballs) but what good will that do and how will little Timmy eat his dinner? Instead, sit down and talk about your feelings in a calm manner so you can work to resolve whatever issues are at hand and in turn don’t have to pay to put your child through counseling for “traumatic events”, cough, cough. Moving on.
Be honest with yourself as well as each other. This means that you should both be aware of any problems or doubts that might exist within the relationship before they become too much of an issue for either one of you. This is especially important for new relationships.
Give space.
This one might be a little more difficult for some, but it’s important to give each other space. You don’t have to spend every waking moment together and you shouldn’t feel the need to either.
You should also both take time apart from each other on occasion so that your relationship doesn’t become stale or old because you’re always around the other person.
I think a lot of people neglect the “dating” aspect in their relationship and it can be easy to get caught up in day-to-day life with someone that you don’t make time for fun little dates or doing things together outside of usual activities. Don’t fall into a stale routine where repetitive work, taking care of the house, eating dinner, and stuck on repeat like some broken DVD player bought in 2000 because you didn’t opt to buy a Bluray player.
Support one another.
Building a life together with someone is not an easy feat and it’s always important to have the support of your partner when things get tough.
Being in love doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give constructive advice or try to help improve their situation, but instead offer emotional support until they are able to fix whatever problem may be at hand. Teamwork is the key to success, and your relationship will be better for it.
Relationships should be a positive part of everyone’s life, but they can also bring stressors that might cause problems if not properly addressed.
“Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.” -Zig Ziglar
Flirting is not dead like disco.
Flirting can be as old as time and it’s a fun way to keep your relationship exciting who doesn’t like a little butt squeeze now and then. Flirting can help build anticipation for future dates or just be used at the moment to bring some excitement into an otherwise uneventful day.
So there you have it, folks! The best way I know is to kick a relationship into overdrive and have the best time ever while doing it! So you try a few suggestions of the steps above and some work better than others, but what ultimately matters is that you put in the effort and in turn, a happier relationship is set into motion. If you’re looking for some additional grade A advice, I recommend you give “The 8 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice” by @Michael Thompson a read. This guy is insightful indeed! You can do it!
This has been “Relationships: A swift kick in the ass guide toward happiness” I hope that you have enjoyed it. If there is anything else you would like me to cover in the future feel free to request below. Thanks for reading.
Let me know what you think and any other great tips to share in the comments below.
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This has been “Relationships: A swift kick in the ass guide toward happiness”.
Thanks for reading, and remember, the best is yet to come.

About the Author
I’m a husband and father of two, who goes about life with a glass-half-full mindset. I love writing about the various aspects of work-life balance and how they play a role in empowering others.
Find me on Mentor motivations and on Instagram.
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