The 7 Ways You Can Keep Calm and Carry On

Feelings of anxiety can be very uncomfortable, and they present themselves in many different ways. You might feel emotional symptoms, such as nervousness, fear, or a sense of doom, or you could have physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, an upset stomach, or a panic attack. No matter how it presents itself, you can take steps to relieve anxiety and develop awareness for how to manage it better in the future. Take a look at some of the different ways that you can relieve anxiety when it takes hold.
One of the best ways to relieve anxiety is with exercise. It will help you right away, and it will have a long-term impact on reducing the frequency of your anxious feelings. It helps to distract you from what is bothering you, and it releases tension that has built up in your body. You don’t have to come up with a strenuous exercise program; you can start out with something as simple as taking a walk outside, gardening, or anything else that gets your body moving. Once you take those first steps, you will start to feel the anxiety slip away.
If you find that you suffer from anxiety frequently, you might want to start an exercise program custom-made to relieve anxiety. When you establish a long-term program of regular exercise, it signals to your brain to release neurochemicals that make you feel good. It also helps to improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself. Try to start with 30 minutes of exercise every other day, and keep building up to see how your anxiety improves.
Take Deep Breaths
People often find that they have trouble breathing when they are experiencing anxiety. They take rapid, shallow breaths, and they have trouble getting enough air. One of the best ways to relax is to take deep breaths. Start by inhaling deep into your belly, and then slowly let the air out. This will trigger your body's relaxation response, and it lowers your blood pressure and your heart rate. It is important to remember that your body isn’t capable of breathing deeply and feeling anxious at the same time, so this will relax you. Find a good breathing exercise and practice it when you feel anxious.
Use Supplements to Reduce Anxiety
There are a number of different supplements that can help you reduce your anxiety. One option is to drink chamomile or green tea. They are known to have sedative effects that help you relax. Take a look at some of the best supplements for anxiety:
● Vitamin D
● Vitamin B complex
● Magnesium
● Valerian root
● Chamomile
● Lavender
Try Journaling When You Feel Anxious
One of the reasons that people develop anxiety is that they keep everything bottled up inside. They might have unresolved feelings about their job or another person, and it manifests itself as stress. When you keep an anxiety journal, you can get those thoughts and feelings out on paper. You can write about your anxiety, but you can also use times when you are feeling anxious to write about the good in your life. When you focus on the things that make you happy, it helps to relieve the stress that you are feeling and change your perspective.
Practice Yoga
Yoga can be very helpful for relieving your anxiety. A number of studies have been done that show that practicing yoga can be helpful for anyone who is suffering from anxiety. Yoga helps people to understand the relationship between their minds and their bodies, and it offers a form of relaxation that can help people get control of their anxiety response.
If you want to try yoga to help you relieve your anxiety, go through the following eight poses:
● Camel pose
● Bridge pose
● Butterfly pose
● Seated forward bends
These poses can help to relax your mind and your body. Read about each of them to understand how they can help, and incorporate them into your daily routine.
Learn Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditations encourage people to stay focused on present thoughts, feelings, and sensations. This will help to reduce negative thoughts that are creating anxiety. You can try a guided mindfulness meditation to help you reduce anxiety, investigate panic attacks, work with your anxiety, deal with difficult feelings, and more. Give it a try to see how it works for you.
Spend Time with Animals
If you don’t have a pet, you can go to a rescue and volunteer to spend time with the dogs or cats. You can also find an equine therapy center and work with horses. Pets are kind and compassionate, and it can help you to pet them and interact with them. Studies show that spending time with animals can help relieve anxiety, and you don’t have to limit it to dogs and cats. If you have room in your life, you can add a small animal such as a rabbit that is easy to take care of. Holding the bunny can help you when you are suffering from anxiety.
To Sum It All Up
If you suffer from anxiety, you can try different things to relieve it. There are certain lifestyle changes that may have a long-term impact, such as exercise and modifying your diet. You can try to spend time with animals, practice yoga, and learn mindfulness meditation techniques. You can also start journaling. Learn about the mind and body connection so that you can take charge of your anxiety.
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