What’s Holding You Back?

For many of us, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the tasks that’s add up. What’s holding you back from living your dream life? It can be summed up in one word.
As we get older, it becomes increasingly difficult to balance work life and the day-to-day tasks that have become a part of our lives. We are constantly surrounded by deadlines, bosses, coworkers, clients, or patients — everyone is in your face about getting things done. You might even have family members who are succumbing to the pressure of everyday life. It’s easy to feel discouraged when you can’t spend quality time with them because of your work-life imbalance. This doesn’t have to be the case.
First off, let me start by saying that it isn’t easy. You are probably reading this because you are feeling especially overwhelmed right now. It’s great that you are taking action in your life to make things better!
The next step is to find alone time in your day-to-day. If you are in school — plan for an hour study session each night after class rather than cramming everything in the week prior to the test. If you are working, try out some meditation or breathing exercises beforehand. It’ll help immensely! If you are a parent, carve out time each day to do something you enjoy, whether it be running or reading that latest bestseller. You will feel refreshed afterward and be able to give more of yourself to your family.
After all, life is all about progress, not perfection Here are just a few things that might hold you back from a richer work-life balance, and some work-life hacks to get you out of your rut.
The first step to work-life balance is knowing what work-life balance means for you. Maybe work/life happiness looks like working fifty hours a week, but only on projects that truly inspire you. Or maybe it looks like working thirty hours a week at your dream job. Or maybe it’s sitting on the couch all day watching Netflix. Everyone’s work-life balance is different, so it helps to figure out what yours is first.
Habits and behaviors
Do you use all your free time to binge-watch Netflix? Or do you find yourself constantly texting and checking social media during “me time?” Whatever it is, it’s still a distraction. Identify the bad habits that could be holding you back and then take steps to change them. You might not think you have the time to train for a marathon in your day job, but what if you made a commitment every day at 9 am to run around the block? Or booked time on your calendar each week to learn how to code?
Between meeting deadlines and checking in with clients, the ability to multi-task is becoming more and more necessary. But many of us don’t stop to think about how our reliance on technology might be stifling our productivity — or worse: holding us back from living a fruitful life. Do you find yourself constantly checking your phone? Or working on your laptop during social occasions?
We all have emotional highs and lows, but some of us ride a roller coaster every day. Identifying the emotional triggers that hold you back from a balanced life can be a major step towards change. Do you come home from work feeling defeated every day? Or do you live in fear of making a mistake? Identify the emotional states that hold you back and work towards developing strategies for coping.
The following questions might help kickstart your brainstorming process!
When do you feel most balanced in your life?
What do you think would have to change about the way you work in order for you to have a richer life?
What do a truly fulfilled week, month, and year look like to you?
Only by defining what success means for ourselves can we truly make strides towards living our dreams. So go ahead, take these questions with you today! Get out there and start changing your perspective. You might find that all you need is thirty seconds (or minutes) away from your phone or laptop every once in a while to appreciate all that life has to offer.
Exercise, even if it’s just thirty minutes of walking each day.
Planner, notebook, or journal (to keep track of daily tasks and goals)
Meal prep containers (to make healthy eating a snap)
Coffee to keep you warm and focused throughout the day!
Calm — Meditation app with guided breathing exercises and sleep stories
Always remember that life is all about progress, not perfection. You’ll never get everything right 100% of the time. And that’s okay. Try to focus on being present and enjoying the moment you are living in instead of dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future tasks. Trust yourself, and trust in the process.
Hey, after all, we’re only human, slow down, and take a break every once in a while! If you don’t recharge when needed, exhaustion can quickly lead to stress and poor decision-making. It’s important to go outside and enjoy the sun every now and then. Meditate, practice yoga, or do any other activities that help you unwind.
Remember, tomorrow is a new day make today count by pursuing your goals fiercely and living each moment to its fullest potential. Remember that the new reality of an ideal work-life balance is a tricky concept — and it’s something that’s unique to each of us. But the only way to achieve happiness is by identifying what makes you feel good about yourself — both inside and out. Start to envision your ideal life. What makes you the happiest? What are things that bring out your personality? And, most importantly, what are the things you enjoy doing most with your friends and family?
Remember to live in the moment. Remember that this one day is just a part of something much bigger. And remember that we’re all on this journey together — so let’s lean on each other for support and make one another’s lives better in the process.
Did I miss anything? Please feel free to add your words of wisdom.
This has been “What’s Holding You Back?” I hope you have enjoyed it.
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